
The Inbetweeners Movie - Triple Play (Blu-Ray, DVD and Digital Copy)


After much long ado, The Inbetweeners Movie has finally reached its devoted fans on the silver screen, after bursting in to (larger than) life on the big screen not too long ago. The film follows on from where the third series of the popular British cult sitcom The Inbetweeners left off, as the last year of sixth form is ending. The show, and film, revolves around the lives and cringeworthy shenanigans of Will (Simon Bird), Simon (Joe Thomas), Jay (James Buckley) and Neil (Blake Harrison). The film begins as the last year of school ends, and the friends are about to embark on their first parents-free holiday together. The antics that insue are both hilarious and horrific at the same time, making you embarrassed for the poor lads in the most amusing ways possible. From Will's awkward demeanour in any social situation, to Simon's borderline stalking of his ex girlfriend, Jay just generally being a sex pest and Neil just being well, Neil, this holiday is sure to be chock full of hilarity and drunken messes. (Cat Emerson)

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