Widely acknowledged as a true cult classic of modern American cinema, Heathers has captured the imaginations of troubled teenagers the world over with its acerbic satire of the sugar-coated high school movies of the 1980s...At Westerburg High School, an elite clique of snobby girls known as Heathers reign supreme. Smart and popular, Veronica (Winona Ryder, Stranger Things) is a reluctant member of the gang and disapproves of the other girls' cruel behaviour. When Veronica and her mysterious new boyfriend, J.D. (Christian Slater, True Romance), play a trick on the clique leader, Heather Chandler (Kim Walker), and accidentally poison her, they make it appear a suicide. But it soon becomes clear to Veronica that J.D. is sociopath intent on vengefully killing the school s popular students. She races to stop J.D., clashing with the clique's new leader, Heather Duke (Shannen Doherty), and leading to an explosive final confrontation with her troubled former lover.Directed by Michael Lehmann, Heathers pushed the teen comedy into dark and nightmarish territory and is distinguished by the career defining central performances of its stars Winona Ryder and Christian Slater. The film is presented here in an exclusive 30th Anniversary 4K restoration with a wealth of extra material, providing unprecedented insight into the making of this hilarious and shocking film.SPECIAL FEATURES:New restoration from a 4K scan of the original camera negative by Arrow FilmsHigh Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentationOriginal 1.0 mono audio and optional 5.1 DTS-HD Master AudioOptional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearingAudio commentary by director Michael Lehmann, producer Denise Di Novi and writer Daniel WatersNewly filmed interview with director Michael LehmannA newly filmed appreciation by the writer, actor and comedian John Ross Bowie (The Big Bang Theory)Pizzicato Croquet, composer David Newman and director Michael Lehmann discuss the music of HeathersHow Very: The Art and Design of Heathers, production designer Jon Hutman, art director Kara Lindstrom and director Michael Lehmann discuss the look of HeathersCasting Westerberg High, casting director Julie Selzer discusses the casting process for HeathersPoor Little Heather, a new interview with actress Lisanne FalkSwatch Dogs and Diet Coke Heads, an archival featurette with extensive cast and crew interviews providing an in-depth look at the making of HeathersReturn to Westerberg High, an archival featurette providing further insight into the film s productionOriginal trailersReversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Robert Sammelin
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