
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi - Zavvi Exclusive 4K Ultra HD Steelbook (3 Disc Edition includes Blu-ray)
The Empire prepares to crush the Rebellion with a more powerful Death Star. The Rebel fleet counters with a massive attack on the space station. Luke Skywalker confronts Darth Vader in a final climactic duel. Filmmaker and Cast Audio Commentary Cast and Crew Archival Commentary Conversations: The Effects Discoveries From Inside: The Sounds of Ben Burtt Classic Creatures: Return Of The Jedi Revenge Of The Jedi Teaser Trailer Return Of The Jedi Launch Trailer It Began TV Spot Climactic Chapter TV Spot Tatooine Overview Endor Overview Harrison Ford Interview Death Star II Space Battle Overview Vader's Arrival And Reaching Out To Luke Tatooine Sandstorm Rebel Raid On The Bunker Jerjerrod's Conflict Battle Of Endor: The Lost Rebels Rancor Maquette EV-9D9 Salacious B. Crumb C-3PO's Head With Eye Poked Out Leia's Boussh Costume Lando Skiff Guard Costume Jabba's Radio-Controlled Eyes AT-ST Walker Model Speeder Bike Imperial Shuttle Model Ewok Hang Glider Maquette Imperial Shuttle Landing Matte Painting Endor Landing Platform Matte Painting Ewok Costume Biker Scout Costume B-wing Fighter Model TIE Interceptor Model Death Star Under Construction Model Imperial Shuttle Bay Matte Painting Admiral Ackbar Costume Death Star Equator Docking Bay Matte Painting Millennium Falcon In Hangar Matte Painting Jabba's Palace, Road Creature Matte Painting Sarlacc Pit Matte Painting
33.99 € 35.49 €